ME, IN A NUTSHELL I’m a builder, a fixer, and a do-it-myselfer. I'm addicted to gold shiny things, the incredible details of nature and my love of thrift stores and flea markets might one day land me on an episode of Hoarders. You could say I'm a mixture of things: I make amazing melt-in-your-mouth pancakes, and also know how to run a table saw and load a nail gun. I like to create, get dirty, and enjoy thinking out of the box. I grew up on an organic walnut farm in the small farming community of the Capay Valley in Northern California. My youth was comprised of pruning suckers off our trees, watching out for rattlesnakes, and spending endless hours swimming in the creek. My design eye and aesthetic were curated during the many hours I spent working alongside my father at his Japanese landscape design firm. I hand picked and set stones, planted moss, and learned the design process from the inside out. Let's just say I got really good at getting dirty and even better at making things pretty. I'm a designer who is also on TV and I love sharing what I've learned with all of you. In 2000, Nicole Facciuto Design was created in New York City and my televsion career followed in 2003. We currently have projects in NYC, San Francisco, Los Angeles/San Diego, Portland/Vancouver, Chicago and DC areas. |